Friday, December 4, 2009

16 Weeks Check Up

July 8, 2009

I found brown spotting just before we left for 16 weeks check up. I was scared that my baby was harmed. Doctor did pelvic exam and found out that the bleeding was still persistent. I remember I lifted heavy objects the last 2 days and I was drained. She did doppler check up and baby's heart beat was great (150 bpm) but she was really concern about the bleeding and wrote me recommendation to my manager that said "no lifting for at least for 2 weeks, due to complication in pregnancy".

I was relieved that my baby is fine, in the other hand I blamed myself for being selfish and performing my job as if I wasn't pregnant. I have to be more careful now and use more precautions at work. Fortunately, my bleeding subsided that very night.

I met Paula, my new manager, the next day and gave her the letter from my doctor. I told her that bleeding has subsided and I just need to "modify" how I carry out my daily duty and adjust to a level that is less strenuous. Out of my awareness, she went to Brett and told him what happened. Of course, my company doesn't want to take risk of employing pregnant woman with complication. So, they decided to send me home and not to coming back to work unless doctor advise otherwise.

I called my doctor the next day talked to the nurse about what happened. They understood the situation and fax me a letter saying that I can go back to work with "modified job description". Paula received that letter the next day and after discussing it with Brett, allowing me to go back to work on Monday. Phew!

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