Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby Shower !!

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

Two months ago, in one of the rosary prayer meetings, Tante Leslie Tan, an Indonesian woman who has been living in Austin for long period of time, offered me to host a baby shower for our baby. I was touched by her kindness and generousity. Considering I no longer have parents (both my parents passed away in 2004 so did my husband's parents), she's pretty much like a second parent to me.
I discussed with my husband, and we both agreed to take honor to be showered by her.

She asked Lilis Suryati Villareal to help her out with preparation. Lilis is a best friend of mine. We met through our friendship with Lily Widodo, another best friend of mine -more like big sister to me. After several discussion, we decided that the baby shower is also gonna be a "selamatan 7 bulan" (a ceremony in Javanesse tradition to mark 7 months of pregnancy), and also a rosary prayer meeting.
Tante Leslie will rent out a clubhouse at Terravista, Round Rock for the party. We planned to have this shower on Saturday early October. Considering some guests live out of town. But the clubhouse was fully booked until third week of October. Oh well..

Lilis is in charge of invitation and decorations and tante Leslie will work on food and advisor. Me? My part is providing them a guest list and looking for party favors.
At the end though, I decided to make "nasi tumpeng", an Indonesian dish which includes cone shaped rice and lots of side. It's always been our family tradition, plus I thought it would look unique and exotic at the baby shower.

The baby shower was a blast! I can't thank you Tante Leslie and Lilis enough for their efforts to make this event successful. Lilis made a game "Guess the Mommy's tummy size". I can't believe myself I was that big. To that date I gained 38lbs already. Big momma!

Thank you everyone to make this baby shower "a dream come true". We love you all!